October 25, 2009

Image of God - What does that mean to me?

I don't know about you but I really never understood the concept of being made in the Image of God until recently. I started asking myself some questions about who I am and who God is. I learned a lot about God in church but I didn't believe everything I heard there. Some things just didn't feel right to me - which I believe caused some confusion with in me. In order to understand who I am, I needed to understand who God is - and I needed to know at a deeper level.

What I know about God
God is Omnipresence - present everywhere and in everything.
God is Omniscience - all knowing, knows everything.
God is Omnipotence - all powerful, capable of doing absolutely anything, without limits.

Would you agree with this view of God? Would you consider this as a accurate picture of who God is? Now doesn't it stand to reason that if you and I were made in the Image of God, that this is also who you are, who I am?

If you don't agree that's ok. I don't expect anyone to believe just because someone says so. Everyone need to seek their own truth. Ask and you shall receive.

Who are you, really? Dig deep and find your truth.

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