January 17, 2007

Focus Baby!

I read a great article at the beginning of this month called “Setting Your Primary Focus” by Steve Pavlina regarding New Year’s resolutions. He spoke of how he doesn’t make resolutions per se but he re-evaluates his life and chooses a focus area for that year. It really sounds like a better plan than trying stick to a resolution which is usually forgotten about in a month or two. It just makes so much sense.

So I decided to give it a try. Personally I’ve tried to do the whole New Year’s resolution thing in the past and it has never worked out for me. Usually it’s something that is so unrealistic to begin with or it might be something that I know I should do – but I really don’t want to do it. You have to really want it if it’s going to work at all. So I gave up; I haven’t done a resolution in years.

This year I’m doing it the Pavlina way…focus baby!

I’ve chosen three area’s of focus for the year, financial, writing and having a stronger connection spiritually. The number one primary focus is the financial area with my other two areas’s being secondary. And of course I chose financial because this is the area at the moment that is seriously lacking in my world. I asked myself some questions when figuring out what I wanted to focus on; this was pretty easy for me. I just asked what areas were lacking in my life. Financial was the main area, the other two items are things I wish to improve. Here is an example of what sort of questions I asked myself:

  • What area am I noticing lack or what would I like to improve in my life?
  • Why do I want to improve this area?
  • What sort of things can do to keep focused? and/or
  • How will I do this?

I started this process a few days after I read Steve’s article and I’ve seen some interesting results. It’s too soon to post anything significant yet – but I’ll be sure to update my results down the road.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, darling!
Have been focusing for couple of months now on abundance (should relate to your resolution) with the help of Hicks's and Rhonda Byrnes "Secret". Money's coming in from doors and windows..:) Not by suitcases jet but envelopes - then again, the whole year is ahead of us! More poewer to you!!!!