April 3, 2007

A Glimpse of Glory

I know that I said that my next post would be an update on my three focus areas, however I recently came across something I wrote some time ago (about 10 years or so ago) that I thought I would share with everyone.

You could say that this is sort of in line with my focus area of "higher spiritual connection". As I read through it I was reminded that one of my original desires of 25+ years ago was to have spiritual growth. There were times that I was absolutely obsessed with it, and many of my family and friends would most likely say that I was a fanatic. But finding this again has reminded me of where I was and where I am now in my connection - and that we do receive our desires.

I no longer agree with the message in it - I've changed.
But I must say that I do believe in the power of Jesus, I do believe in Heaven and that's where we all will go, but I don't believe we go to Hell.

And now presenting my beliefs 10 years ago.....


She was standing in line; it would be her turn soon.

Quickly she went over all the things she had done in her life-time; let's see she thought, she had listened to her parents, got good grades in school, never smoked or drank and went to church every Sunday. Obeyed her husband, like the Bible had told her to, raised her children to pray before meals and bedtime, made sure the family went to church.

The line moved forward, the excitement in her grew.

I've gone to all the Bible study groups, all of the church functions. Helped out with the serving and was even a substitute Sunday school teacher. He will be so proud of me!

She was next.

It's so beautiful - the jewels and streets of gold; every thing seemed so alive! She could never have imagined that this was Heaven. It was too beautiful to describe.

Her name was called. She stepped forward.

His presence was so awesome. She immediately dropped to bow before Him. He was Glorious! His robes were pure white with a gold belt; His hair long and flowing was white as snow. His face was bright as the Sun. His eyes could see through you -

She had made it.

He opened the Book of Life. "I do not know you", she heard Him say. A shock wave went through her. "You know all that I have done - I was good!"

"All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.
You did not accept Me, I do not accept you."

A Glimpse of Glory - She wept.

Author: Khristine White


It seems in one way very sad that I - like so many others - bought into this concept; however it did serve me well...it put me on the spiritual path of growth...after all, we all had to start somewhere.

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