April 6, 2007

Focus - Staying Positive

Since January 2007 I have steadily been working on my 3 focus areas. The questions I asked myself was "How am I going to stay focused?" and "Where would be the best place to start?" I figured the best place to start would be to stay positive; I needed to have a more positive out look on my life as it is now. I needed a more focused, more thankful, more appreciative view of what I already had. So for the first few months this is what I have been working on the most...

Staying Positive

This can be very challenging - particularly when it comes to finances. Finances seem to be a "In your face" type of situation. What I mean by "in your face" is that just about everything we want or need has to do with the all mighty dollar. And everyone seems to want you to give them their share; which is fine - when you're not feeling stressed about money. So how can I/we get to our "happy place"?

I've always been a pretty positive sort of person, always looking for the good in situations and people - but I wanted something that would focus my attention more. I thought...
  • "What is positive?" Positive equals good.
  • "What does good mean?" Good means appreciating or being happy.
  • "How can I focus more on being happy/appreciative?" Write it down.
Hmm, what a interesting thought.

So I got myself a notebook and wrote on the front cover, "Appreciation". I've dedicated the book only to writing about what I am thankful for. On the top of the first page I wrote, "What do I appreciate today?", "What am I thankful for?" I write everything and anything that comes to my mind - people, places, things; I write about it all!

At this time I do most of my appreciation in the mornings because this is when I have the most quiet time - I sit up in bed with my cup of coffee ( this is one of those things I appreciate) and write. However, you can do this any time during the day that you can spend about 15-20 minutes without any major interruptions.

In the beginning I wrote everyday. Sometimes I ended up with a very long list and other days it may have been just a few items. The point is, that I made it a point to create a habit of being thankful everyday. I was focusing my attention. If I wasn't writing, I was reading what I had already wrote.

Here are some of the benefits that I have noticed:
  • Increase in ability to focus
  • Increased happiness (everyone wants to be happy!)
  • Appreciation brings more of the same into your life (Law of Attraction)
I have had some very good results from focusing my attention and being thankful in this way. Unexpected cash flow (into, not out of, my life), my writing has increased, and my request for a stronger connection spiritually has also improved.

You probably have areas in your own life that you would like to improve; write them down. Then focus your attention by appreciating everything and anything you can think of. The focus is in the writing and the ability to stay positive.

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