May 20, 2007

To Do List

Ok, everyone that has a "To Do" list raise your hand.

Almost every one has written one at least once in their life and there are a lot of people who use them every day. I usually have one written once a week. Although I know I would get more done if I wrote one every day.

I asked myself why I didn't use one on a more regular basis. The answer that came to me was that people do not like being told what to do - we don't even like telling ourselves what to do! So what would or could I do to make a "To Do" list more appealing? (Both to me and others.)

I thought about it for a while. After all what is a "To Do" list anyways... it's made up of things we want to get done or must get done. These are usually smaller scale items that need to be taken care of in our day to day lives. They are our daily goals (hmm, a clue).

Such a nice word "goal". It definitely has more appeal and some how inspires to "want to" do it rather than the "have to" do it. It feels like I have accomplished my item(s) - I have achieved my goal(s) for the day.

I no longer have a "To Do" list. I now have "Today's Goals" list. Sometimes just changing the wording can make all the difference in the world.

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