December 9, 2007

Who's Relationship is it Anyway?

It's called a "personal relationship" with God/Creator - then why do we feel the need to "verbally" stick our noses into someone else's relationship with God/Creator? Shouldn't we be more concerned about our own personal relationship. Making sure that our own relationship with God/Creator is growing. After all, if we are not growing how on earth do you expect to help anyone else?

If we truly wish to help others to grow spiritually then we need to physically shut-up and instead open up our prayers/meditations for those we love - prayer/meditation has power.

Not to say we should not encourage or inspire others with our words - but not out of our own heads or our own rationalizations - we should be lead of the spirit to say those words of wisdom that will make much more of an impact on those we love - more than anything we could ever think of on our own.

Are you a person that continues to tell others what they should or shouldn't be doing in regards to their relationship with God/Creator - are you truly trying to help them? One way to decide for yourself if you are really trying to help or if you are merely trying to control them is to notice how you feel when they do not do as you ask. Do you get angry or upset? If you do, then you are trying to control their relationship, and you probably don't even realize that you are doing so. We all are growing spiritually in our own time - forcing an issue only causes resistance.

If you really trust God/Creator then you know that what ever you ask will be given. So lead by example and trust what you ask for in prayer will be given.

In the meantime.....just Shut-up.

1 comment:

Giia said...

This is most unusual that I am receiving this blog at this moment of time. Or is it ;)
I have been involved in a very interesting relationship for the past month or so - it thrives on the fact that we are totally connected but never attached. We are sharing but never needing. We are making plans but not living in the future. We are evolving separately as self sustained entities and together as a unity. Without touching. And always together. And with his words I would love to describe what we have and what I wish for all: "happy relationship is a happy interaction, and interaction in which each party can flow without impeding the other party". Amen to that!