April 14, 2008

Fun with Money

Recently I was playing a game called The Prosperity Game. I found it in the book “Ask and It is Given” by Ester and Jerry Hicks. The purpose of the game is number one – to have fun. The other benefits are to help you focus on the things you desire and to broaden your thinking of having more wealth than you already have. By having fun with this game you put yourself in a positive mood.

Here’s how I play the game:

  • First I open up the Excel check register I have saved on my computer.
  • I make a pretend deposit of $1,000.
  • I write out pretend checks making detailed descriptions of what I want.
  • Now here is the key: Spend the $1,000 right away on anything your little heart desires.

That’s the end of the first day. Easy, right?

Now for day 2.

Do the same as above but this time deposit $2,000, day 3 deposit $3,000, etc. As time goes by you really start reaching for more and more ideas of what to spend that money on. I found that for each new day I would list all of the previous things I had listed from the day before and then add to it.

Because you are focusing your attention while playing this game, and because you’re having fun thinking of all those things you would love to have, those things that you want actually start showing up. I’ve already had a few things show up like clothes, a printer. Also you start noticing that the things from your game are being advertised on T.V. or you get a advertisement in the mail – it’s the little things like that which tell me that “someone” is listening to my requests.

Please note that this is not a game to play to try and force things to happen – It’s all in the FUN that makes it work.

Recently I tried this game a little different. I thought it might be fun to try to spend One Million Dollars in one day – Does anyone have any ideas on the $422,700.00 I have left to spend?


Unknown said...

Give it to charity.

Anonymous said...

A place for the homeless, we need more homes for these family's.

Khristine White said...

Well it seems I should be using the extra to help others...I like it.
Anyone else?