August 25, 2009

Getting What you Want

Our lives are full of experiences and each of our experiences can be listed under different categories like love, family, jobs, etc. Under each category we have learned something which helps us to better define what we are really looking for or what we would prefer to have or experience in each of those situations.

Many people think of a experience as being either good or bad.  I believe there are no such thing as bad experiences - it's really an opportunity to fine tune what you would prefer to have happen.

Let's look at making money as a example.  If you are not happy in the job you are currently in then you need to figure out why.  Why don't you like this particular experience.  The best way I've found to do this, and can be applied to any area of you life, is to make a list of the things you like and don't like.  Yes it involves a bit of work on your part :-)

Writing a list helps you to see the good that you have and helps you to clearly recognized what you want. Now take a look at the things you don't like.  Maybe your not making enough money or you don't like the hours you work.

Ask yourself this "what do I want?"

Let's say that one of your statements is "I don't like my hourly pay". Your first answer would probably be I want more money.  Good answer.  But how much money do you want?  The best answers are when you break it down and get into specifics.  Be reasonable with your answers.  You need to believe that what you want is possible for you to get.  So jumping from a current pay of $9/per hour to $20/per hour may not be believable to you but maybe you would believe that $12/per hour is perfect.  It has to feel right.

So now what?  What do you do after you've figured out what you really want?  How do you figure out what will get you what you want?

It's time to put your mind to work.  I'm a strong believer that we have the best answers within ourselves, if we would only ask the right questions and keep our desires up front and in our face as much as possible.  Our minds love to solve problems - and it won't solve anything unless we ask the question.

So in order to solve the problem of how am I going to get the $12/per hour - you would write the ultimate question.  I would write the ultimate question like this:

"What is the Best way for me to Now earn $12 per hour and enjoy it?"

Like I said previously, you need to keep it in your face, you need to keep it in your mind as often as you can. You can do this in different ways like posting the question on the frig, in the car, on the mirror, next to the computer.  Just be sure to read it several times a day. Just before sleep is a great time too.

You will amaze yourself with the ideas and opportunities that start showing up - you'll always get the best answers when you ask yourself the ultimate questions.

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